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Incident Report

Incident Report

HSR Form Incident Report Form Near Miss Incident Form

What is an incident?
Any unplanned event that results in harm to an individual, property or the environment.

What is a near miss incident?
A near miss does not result in injury, illness, or damage by definition, but it had the potential to do so.

Why report an incident?
The information reported from incidents is valuable in preventing the re-occurrence of similar incidents. Reporting incidents promptly is also critical so we can respond to them in an appropriate manner, and it helps us properly manage any potential claims. All injuries, illnesses and incidents that occur during official Scouting activities, must be reported within 24-48 hours.

In the event of an injury or illness during a Scouting activity, an HSR claim form can be completed and submitted within 90 days from the date of injury. You can obtain a form by reporting the incident to the Council’s Risk & Safety representative. Please contact Tera Gunderman at or 314-256-3050 for forms, instructions and assistance.

Please note: The HSR policy is excess to any other available source of medical benefits. This means that you must file your bills through your primary, or personal, insurance carrier prior to this policy responding.

An incident report form or near miss incident report form should be completed and sent to