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Scouting For Food

Please click HERE to view the St. Clair Scouting For Food unit map. Please enter your unit type and number into the search bar to find your unit’s map. Example: Type in, Pack 123 or Troop 123.

Hint: Look up your unit’s map on your phone and take a screenshot, you can text the screenshot of the map to everyone helping.

SFF bags will be handed out at October Roundtable. If no one from your unit picked the bags up please contact Grayson Wolcott or Paige Misselhorn to arrange a time to pick them up at the Belleville office.

Scouting For Food District Chair:

Dan O’Keefe 253-226-3370

Bag Distribution –
1. Bags should be distributed on Saturday, November 14th, 2020.
If you need to do it on Friday or Sunday that is fine — please just limit yourself
to reasonable daylight hours.


2. Scouts are encouraged to leave a bag at every private residence.
Note: Apartments with “No Solicitation” signs should only be covered with
prior permission from the Manager (Stop and ask first at the office
if it is okay). Bags are not to be left at businesses.


3. Do not put bags in mailboxes.


4.If you are working a stretch of rural road, then please consider placing
some small rocks in your bags ahead of time to weigh them down. You may
then place them on the ground next to a mailbox.


5. Please notify the SFF Chair if you do not receive a bag at your own house.
Each of you can serve as a “Spot Checker” to ensure than all our areas are


6. Please count your bags out to the best of your ability before you start putting them up. If you run out of bags please contact Dan O’Keefe


Bag Pick-up –

1. Bags should be picked-up between 10 AM and 3 PM on Saturday, November 21st, 2020.  If there is no bag outside a home, Scouts may knock or ring the bell to ask for a donation.

2. Please make a second sweep / drive by of your area in the early afternoon
to collect any bags that might have been missed, or put out late.

3. Please drop donated bags of food to your nearest food pantry.

St. Clair