Fall Fun Rally
Sept. 26, 2020
Beaumont Scout Reservation
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Fall Fun Rally 2020 will be a much smaller, one day only event, holding many of your favorite events from previous years. Current plans (and subject to change) include Climbing, Shooting Sports, Slacklines, Archery, Historical Reenactment, and others.
Consistent with Saint Louis County guidelines, participants and advisors will be separated into groups meeting requirements and providing social distancing. All participants will have a chance to do any of the activities, which will be run with social distancing and sanitation in mind. Many of the activities will use procedures and practices that have been in use by the council for the Family Adventure programs held over the summer.
Units will be assigned to one of three groups. Each group of 40 will have time in each ‘zone’ to participate in the activities in that zone:
- Zone 1: Rifle, Shotgun, First Aid Challenge, Historical Scouting Display, STEM Display
- Zone 2: Climbing Tower, Archery, STEM Activities, Fishing, Airsoft
- Zone 3: Tomahawk Toss, Mountain Men Displays, Slacklines, A-Frame Walk, Sea Scout Challenge, Sporting Arrows
As we move forward with activities, zones in the specific zones may change.
The program is set to run most of the day Saturday, and provide a full day of acitvitiy. Each group will be assigned to a program zone for one time session, and then rotate to the next zone for the next session.
9:00 – 11:30 | Program Session A |
11:30 – 12:15 | Unit/Individual Provided Lunch (eaten in area for program session A) |
12:30 – 3:00 | Program Session B |
3:15 – 5:45 | Program Session C |
The Fall Fun Rally will have a limited capacity, currently planned at 120 participants and advisors. Youth and adults are the same price, and adults are welcome to participate in activities as a paid participant. Given the limited number of participants, units may wish to limit the number of advisors in attendance to preserve slots for youth. The cost for the event will be $12 and registration must be completed online prior to Midnight September 23.
Safety Precautions
Precautions at Fall Fun Rally have been developed in consideration with CDC guidelines, Saint Louis and Jefferson County Requirements, and Greater St. Louis Area Council’s own guidelines for units.
- Social Distancing: Events and programs will be spread out to discourage lines and grouping. At most 40 participants will be in any zone at a time. Individuals should keep distance from each other, and units from other units. All participants will be required to wear a cloth face mask, covering both nose and mouth at the event at all times.
- Group Size: Consistent with event size requirements participants will be in groups of 40, and must be in a zone during their program slots. Participants and staff in the zone will never equal more than 50 total. Units will not mingle between groups of 40.
- Shared Equipment/Surfaces: Activities that rely on shared equipment will be setup in such a way to sanitize between participants. In circumstances where participants must touch a surface that may have been used by another participant, participants will sanitize hands before and after surface contact, and wear a face shield to prevent touching their face. This is applicable for areas such as the tower.
- Facilities: Each group of 40 will be assigned an outdoor porta-potty and hand washing station to be used exclusively by this group of 40.
- Food: No food service will be provided at the Fall Fun Rally. Units or individuals should bring their own food. In the case of unit provided food, consistent with Council guidelines, a limited number of adults should prepare the food.
- Temperature and Symptom Check: Check in will include a process to have a temperature and symptom check completed before issuing participant wrist band. More will be shared closer to the event.
- Gatherings: There will be no large gatherings,
Camping, other Activities
While the Fall Fun Rally will be a single day event, units wishing to camp may camp at Beaumont using any of the available camping sites at Beaumont. Reservations for camping sites are available at https://campreservation.com/312/Home. At most 50 participants from one unit are allowed on one camping site. Additionally, though horseback trail rides are not available as part of the FFR program in 2020, reservations can be made at the above site should your unit wish to participate on a different date.
Please note, that given the current environment including the pandemic, the Fall Fun Rally, as well as many council and district Scouting events scheduled for Fall 2020, is a best case event, and may need to be cancelled or highly modified up to a few weeks before the event.
You don’t want to miss the Fall Fun Rally!
Visit fallfunrally.org to register or for more information.