Trivia Night
Around the World!
Saturday, December 7, 2019
St. Gerard Majella
Doors Open at 6 PM – Trivia Begins at 7 PM
Better bring your A-game as we test you in 10 rounds of fun filled trivia! This event is for New Horizons District adult volunteers, and is a fun way to bring a table of folks for a night out. All proceeds benefit Friends of Scouting.
Grab a team of folks from your Pack, Troop, or Crew and come join other adult volunteers for a great evening.
Our 2019 theme is Around the World! We hope to see some awesome costumes and table decorations! Participants can choose a country or two, offer food from those countries, and even feature activities, table decorations, flags, etc. The sky is the limit! Which country will you represent?