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Thunderbird Evening Camp at Tower Grove Park

June 27, 2017

The Evening Camp has gotten off to a fun start with the weather also cooperating. Campers, their siblings and friends came from Packs 4, 51, 100, 103, 108, 110, 125, 212 and 214. The campers have enjoyed activities such as tug of war, crazy noodle relays, building a bee hive and building bug duplexes. They have built catapults and fired them at targets to test them out. 
Here are some of the comments parents have heard from their cubs: “When do we get to trade in our shirts so that we can do cool stuff like the boy scouts
I can’t wait to go back to camp!!”  
Can’t the camp be longer?
 “I’m having too much fun for it to end!”  
Mom, this is the best camp EVER!!”  
And as a couple parents reported…they had so much fun they went straight to sleep when they got home!
We wouldn’t get these comments if the efforts of the Scout leaders weren’t right in target.  Thanks to all who have helped so far with the camp this week… and we still have 2 nights to go!! 
