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Troop 62 is celebrating 80 years of Scouting!

February 19, 2020

Boys Scouts Past, Present and Future members of Troop 62 will be celebrating their 80th Anniversary

When: The Celebration will take place on March 1st. 2020

Where: St. Joan of Arc Cafeteria, (also known as South City Catholic Academy), 5821 Pernod Avenue, St. Louis, MO. 63139.

Time: From 1:00-3:00

Why and what: Troop 62 Was Chartered on March 1st, 1940, so please come and join us and share with us your favorite times at Troop 62. We will be doing a slide show and video presentation of the history of Troop 62.

Troop 62 currently has 101 Eagle Scouts. We will also have information on Joining our Troop. If you have any favorite memories of Troop 62, please bring them. There is no cost to the event. For more information about this event, Please call or email James Schmerold at, 314-752-5461, Please RSVP To: BY February 25th!
