River Trails District
The River Trails District is located in Jefferson County. It consists of the following school districts: Fox, Festus, Jefferson R-7, Crystal City, Dunklin, Windsor, Northwest, Hillsboro, Grandview, DeSoto and Sunrise.
Extending Camp Card Sale!
Our primary focus is on the safety and protection of our Scouts, volunteers, and their families. Therefore, in response to the health and safety recommendations surrounding COVID-19, the Greater St. Louis Area Council is going to extend the camp card sale until May 8th.
Additional information will be coming for those Scouts that have earned Cardinals game day tickets. The Cardinals are working with MLB to revise the 2020 season. Once a revised schedule has been determined, we will provide an update regarding tickets. Please continue to enter your Scouts that have sold 20 cards into the google form at http://bsaarchive.webtestdev.com/activities/fundraising/camp-cards/.
If you have sold all of your cards and would like to make a payment on your order, you can do so by mailing the council’s payment of $2.50 per card to the address below.
Take advantage of the extended camp card selling season by keeping your unsold cards and continue selling them until May 8th!
This is an unprecedented situation so stay tuned for more updates.